CSc31800 Internet Programming -
Spring 2004, CCNY-CUNY, Jinzhong
Activating Tomcat 5.0 and Servlet Applications
1. Activating Tomcat 5.0
Login any available Sun's Solaris workstation in the school's Unix Lab
located in R7/105, and follow the next steps:
If you use csh, edit your login initialization file ".login" to
append the following lines. Use cut-and-paste to avoid inexplicable errors
caused by typos!
setenv JAVA_HOME /usr/local/apps/j2se.v9
setenv PATH `echo ${JAVA_HOME}/bin`:`echo /usr/local/apps/bin`:`echo
$PATH` |
These lines instruct your shell (terminal window) to use-32 bit Java
1.2, instead of Lab's default 64-bit configuration incompatible to the
tomcat. Type "source .login" to activate the change. You do not
need to type this command again. Every login'ed session to your account
after the edit will automatically activate the above definition.
If you use bash, edit your login initialization file ".bashrc" instead
to append the following lines and type "source .bashrc" to activate
the change.
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/apps/j2se.v9
export PATH=`echo ${JAVA_HOME}/bin`:`echo /usr/local/apps/bin`:`echo
$PATH` |
Download and expand a tomcat compressed tape archived file, "jakarta-tomcat-5.0.18.tar.gz",
a widely tested and most recent public release. Suppose your account is
and "jakarta-tomcat-5.0.18.tar.gz"
is saved in your home directory. CCNY's space quota of your account most
probably prohibits you from expanding all the tomcat modules into your
directory. So, create a directory in the /tmp space and expand
the tomcat modules in that place. The /tmp space will be erased
when the machine is powered off and on (i.e., rebooted), which rarely occurs.
Erasing the contents is your responsibility. Follow the next commands:
$ cd /tmp
$ mkdir opqr1234
$ chmod og-rx opqr1234
$ cd opqr1234
$ tar --ungzip -xf ~opqr1234/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.18.tar.gz |
The /tmp space is a machine specific area, not across the machines.
The command "chmod og-rx opqr1234" is to prohibit others from
looking into your work in the /tmp/opqr1234 directory. You need
to login the same host to reuse the expanded tomcat modules. Type "hostname"
to know of it. You should remember the hostname of the workstation you
expanded. You do not need to physically sit in front of the machine; you
can access it with "telnet" or "ssh", even from outside.
Activation of tomcat is simply getting into its bin directory
and execute a startup shell script found there:
$ cd jakarta-tomcat-5.0.18/bin
$ |
The startup process prints out several lines indicating tomcat environment
variables, which does not mean that the startup is successful. Any trouble,
particularly related to servlet deployment, should be found at the log
files found under "logs" directory.
You should be able to see the tomcat welcome page using Web browser by
accessing http://[hostname]:8080, where the "[hostname]"
is the machine you're using. Don't forget shutting down the tomcat if you
finish testing. Deactivation is done by typing out
Without shutdown, tomcat will keep running after your logoff, and machine's
port 8080 will be occupied.
Note that the tomcat port (default 8080) cannot be accessed outside CS
firewall. Come to school to test your servlet that is migrated from your
home computer.
2. Servlet Activation
Read carefully this part -- many problems are caused by careless mistakes
and/or misunderstanding from not reading the next explanation carefully.
In a web container (i.e., the runtime environment realizing servlet
and JSP), each web application is associated with a
context, and
all resources in a web application exist relative to that context. The
context is physically a subdirectory under the document root of a web server,
and appears in part of the URL.
Thus, if you would like to develop a servlet under a context named as
say "mycontext," then create a mycontext subdirectory
under the tomcat's webapps directory (i.e.,
The webapps directory is to hold all the defined context, and
no other place will work to activate servlet/JSP. All the servlets developed
under the mycontext can be accessed via Web browser with a specific
URL "http://[hostname]".
A servlet has an alias name, a servlet name, that needs to be
mapped to a physical Java class upon its use. If you would like to develop
a servlet, say "myservlet1," then you have to also build a Java
class, say "mydriver1.class," and the mapping from alias name
to concrete Java class must be established in a "web.xml" file
as detailed below. The use of the servlet alias name allows to refer to
servlets more easily and replace the implementation class for servlet without
modifying the reference to the servlet within the application.
The mycontext directory usually needs to contain an
file. This is the default entry for Web browser to invoke your web application.
The index.html usually has a html form element, such
as "<form action=servlet/myservlet1 method=post>", in which
is the servlet alias name to be mapped to the concrete mydriver1.class
Java class and activated as a servlet.
Under the mycontext directory, create a WEB-INF directory
(i.e., mycontext/WEB-INF). Note that "WEB-INF" must be
uppercases and spelled as it is. Then, under WEB-INF, create a
directory (i.e.,
mycontext/WEB-INF/classes) and
file. Copy the provided
web.xml file into your place, and change
its contents as instructed if you choose different servlet name and Java
class name. Servlet never becomes accessible otherwise.
The web.xml file plays a central role in
deploying an alias named servlet and activating a corresponding Java class
by defining a pattern in the URL to forward the request to the activated
servlet. Thus, there are two levels of abstraction, resulting the source
of confusion and problem. For instance, in "<form action=servlet/myservlet1
method=post>", the pattern to invoke the servlet in the request URL
("servlet/myservlet1") in fact can be anything other than this,
like "call-servlet/my-developed-servlet1" instead, but the transformation
to point to the alias "myservlet1" must be properly defined in
Otherwise, 404/500 error occurs.
All the Java programs will be implemented under the
classes directory.
The servlet myservlet1 should be runnable as mydriver1.class,
compiled from A sample Makefile
is provided for you. Notice as indicated in this file that the first line
must be changed to point a servlet API jar file located in the expanded
tomcat module library.
Type "chmod +x Makefile" and type "make" will compile
all the java source code. You will see how the make command will
facilitate Java compilation tasks.
In summary, the whole structure looks like
|- index.html
|- web.xml
|- classes
|- Makefile
. |
You can add any number of servlets into an established context. For
instance, you can add myservlet2 that will be mapped to
etc. The URL pattern matching must be added as well.
Reproduce a simple "hello world" servlet example (provided by tomcat project)
into the "mycontext" subdirectory as a practice before installing
full-fledged servlet, so that you will be able to make sure that all of
your customization works.
You have to stop and restart tomcat to activate a revised servlet. This
means that if you recompile the Java servlet module, you have to restart
the tomcat in order to activate newly created module. Old module will continue
to be used otherwise. There is an "auto-reload" option that lets the tomcat
reflect the new module without reactivating the entire tomcat, which can
be set in the configuration file. Setting the reload option will accelerate
your servlet development.
All the errors related to servlet initialization and execution are found
in a logs directory. The log files are cumulative, and once tomcat
is successfully terminated you can delete all the file there to let the
system accumulate new logs.
© Jinzhong Niu, 2004