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JCAT: A Software Tool for Agent-Based Computational Economics

Jinzhong Niu. JCAT: A Software Tool for Agent-Based Computational Economics. In SwarmFest 2015: The 19th Annual Meeting on Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation, Columbia, SC, USA, July 2015.





Additional Information


  AUTHOR =       "Jinzhong Niu",
  TITLE =        "{JCAT}: {A} Software Tool for Agent-Based Computational Economics",
  BOOKTITLE =    "SwarmFest 2015: The 19th Annual Meeting on Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation",
  EDITOR =       "Michael Gavin and Michael Huhns and Jose Vidal",
  YEAR =         "2015",
  Month =        "July",
  ADDRESS =      "Columbia, SC, USA",

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